Energy + Love + Security = Offer
You need to round these three important bases to get a home-run offer in today’s acute care hospital environment. Let’s deconstruct the offer equation:
Energy is an ingredient missing in most interview advice, but it’s likely the most important element for interview success. Even if you’re in full control of your faculties during an interview, if your energetic delivery system isn’t switched on, you simply won’t make it to the offer stage.
Interviewing energy isn’t about perky or calm, extroverted or introverted. Rather, it’s a notable enthusiasm for interpersonal engagement that goes well beyond scripted responses and is, rather, attached to passion for the work, its workforce, and its service beneficiaries.
Extroverts may have it a bit easier, but consider massive influencers of the quieter kind. Gandhi, Mother Teresa, Mandela. They got it done! Introverts can actually teach us more about interpersonal excellence than extroverts, as they typically call upon personal reservoirs of reflection to bring a clear, focused, relevant message to every conversation.
In any case, whether introvert or extrovert, a requirement of interview excellence is that nothing is canned, contrived, or scripted. Authentic, content-rich interchange delivered with energy (which can translate to focus) is a power ball that knocks the interview out of the park.
During client interview debriefs, positive feedback sounds like, “We love the candidate!” Typically, there’s no discussion about experience and skills. It’s just a composite response, framed in an emotion called love!
Debrief drill-downs indicate love happened because 1) the candidate was engaging and prepared, 2) they were wired for interpersonal excellence all day long and displayed their abundant research of the organization and parent corporation, and 3) they displayed mastery of relevant data in their background, reinforcing their value.
The days of “show up and throw up” are over. Preparation is key.
Create security for the interview panel.
The hiring manager and administrative stakeholders want the security of knowing you understand their vision and culture and you’ll hit their institutional goals.
Peers and staff want the security of knowing you’ll be great to work with and you’ll add value to their personal and professional lives.
Everyone seeks assurance that you truly heard them and won’t apply template solutions unrelated to their unique challenges and organizational DNA.
Energy + Love + Security = (Excitement, Inspiration, Hope, Assurance, Optimism) = Offer
It’s a winning formula.